Project 12

IMG_0447We are flying from the US to Australia over the course of 2 days, and today is the mysterious disappearing day on the trip. Funny how that happens when travelling half-way across the globe… I folded my weekly 10 cranes on a Qantas flight, using a page from the in-flight magazine.
My crane tally so far is 27. (I’ve folded a few here and there in addition to the weekly 10.)

Project 6

IMG_0371Folding 1000 cranes is said to insure a long and peaceful life. So one day a week, as part of my daily project, I will make 10 cranes. At this rate, it will take me 2 years to complete the 1000 cranes. If I stick to it, it’s totally doable! I figure it’s a good exercise in discipline, it’s meditative, and it will give me the chance to profoundly know the act of folding the crane, so that I no longer think about it, but rather my hands simply take over. By the sixth crane I made today, I had memorized the pattern. In addition to origami paper, I’m re-using paper from our recycling bin, which is a nice way to put the paper to use, and also adds a nice texture to the crane’s surface.


Project 4

IMG_0335This is an origami parrot mobile made with one sheet of origami paper, one small paper clip, and some thread. This turned out to be an interesting photography exercise as well. Since it is overcast out, I couldn’t get the cast shadows I would have liked…
I tore the origami paper into four pieces:


































Since I’m travelling, I just have my tiny pink leatherman tool with me.

I used it to cut the paper clip, and then bend it into shape to hang the mobile.


















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