How I Made This Painting

I recently finished this painting of people and cars at a dirt track, and thought you might like to see how it progressed from start to finish. For reference, I used photos I took at the local county fair in Winston-Salem, NC. I combined parts of the images, then made changes to that and invented other bits.

In this video, I’ll show you the different paint layers and explain what’s happening in each one.



How to stretch a big canvas

By popular request, I made a video tutorial showing how to stretch a really large canvas. This one is 5×4 feet. And if you scroll down, you’ll find a time lapse video I made showing how I went about building and stretching a giant canvas (5×6 feet). You’ll notice the bit where I have to cut down one of the cross braces. This doesn’t usually happen, but in this case, the one sent to me wasn’t cut to the right length…


Looking for more tips for artists? Check out some of my blog posts below:

How to pack a travel watercolor and drawing kit

Timelapse showing how I pack my plein air painting kit

11 Things athletes do that will make you a better artist

Know anyone who might find this interesting? Please share it!


My outdoor oil painting kit

I made this pochade box to use for plein air oil painting over 15 years ago and it’s still going strong. To give you a bit of background, a pochade box is traditionally made of wood, has a hinged lid that acts as an easel, a storage box to hold your supplies, and holds a palette. The concept of plein air painting started in the time of the French Impressionists who painted outdoors with the help of the cutting edge tube paints that became readily available in the 19th century. Before paint in tubes, painting outdoors was unwieldy. So here we go: I’ll share with you my kit for painting outside with oil paint.

Looking for more tips for artists? Check out some of my blog posts below:

How to pack a travel watercolor and drawing kit

Timelapse showing how I pack my plein air painting kit

11 Things athletes do that will make you a better artist

Know anyone who might find this interesting? Please share it!

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