Happy Thanksgiving and Studio Musings

It’s been an interesting time lately in the studio. Since I’ve given myself the space to experiment and try new things, I am dealing with a lot of self doubt and uncertainty. These are normal parts of the creative process, but sometimes they come on harder than others, so it’s been a challenging time for me. There are some cool projects that have emerged though and I wanted to share one of these experiments with you. This is one that I just completed. It’s comprised of 400 pins pressed into the wall with 100 colors of embroidery thread wrapped around them. Like a sand painting, it’s a delicate and ephemeral piece. It will literally fall apart when it’s time to remove it from the wall, and reinstalling it will require starting from the beginning with a drawn pencil grid on a wall. When I made it I was thinking of the blues and greens and earth reds of my beloved NC landscape.

This was at the beginning of the process. If you know me, you know I love any opportunity to use my adventure gear, and I just had to use my headlamp for additional lighting. I also made good use of my fanny pack to keep my tools at hand. (Ha!)

If you’re looking for a gift for a special person (or for yourself!) I have artworks, prints and books available on my online shop. You’ll find quick links below:

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Original Paintings
Botanical Greeting Cards
Watercolor Books

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