What we can do together

What do you want your creative life to look like?


If you're looking to grow in your art practice, develop your voice and become more confident, we can work together to improve your technique and refine the way you evaluate your work. If you're in a creative rut, we'll play with creativity boosting projects and re-ignite your creative juices to get your flow back on. Together, we'll come up with actionable solutions to help you tap into your creative power, and design a plan to help you keep on creating.


Are you working on a project that seems intimidating or overwhelming? I can help you see the big picture, prioritize, break down the project into smaller chunks, and make a plan so you'll feel empowered and in control of your project. I can also guide you to set up your studio so the space works for you, show your work, prepare a grant proposal, write an artist statement, or put together an artist resume.


Whether you are looking for help building your art business from the ground up or need help refining your work flow,  I'll be happy to help. From evaluating your website to improving the way you present and share your work, I can recommend actionable steps to build a business around the sale of your artwork. For this kind of work together, I recommend that you've been making your artwork for some time, be confident in your artistic ability and have a distinct voice.


If you are an artist looking to grow your practice, through feedback, help generating ideas, materials and techniques guidance, or any combination of projects, I'll be happy to help.

About Jessica

Allow me to introduce myself.

The focus of my work as an artist is primarily painting and drawing, with some installation and video projects thrown in on occasion. I'm interested in our experience in the outdoors and specifically in getting more people outside communing with nature. Yes, I really think art has the power to do that! I've seen first-hand how my work has impacted people and changed their perception of nature and the outdoors, and this definitely helps motivate me.

I have been teaching college and community art classes since 2002, and have taught drawing fundamentals, figure drawing, painting, design, and art history… the list goes on. Teaching is my way of giving back to my community by sharing my knowledge and love of art.

I also coach other artists one-on-one, and it turns out that my area of expertise is helping artists tune into and build their creative muscle. I like this way of looking at building a creative habit because I think that it's a matter of mindset and training ourselves to think about art practice differently. I'm a big proponent of taking small daily steps on the way to making a creative life. I have made many large and long term projects by showing up and working daily for a relatively short amount of time each day. We can make projects with a big impact in this way, and it's more sustainable than trying to work long hours and burning out.

In previous lives, I taught yoga and worked as a guide and trip designer (a sort of project manager) leading epic bicycle tours all over Europe, Central America, and Australia.

As for the rest, I ride bikes, run and hike and practice yoga, and I live in Winston-Salem, North Carolina with my husband and our 8-year old son.

How this works

Here's what to expect.

After you submit your form below, I'll contact you to set up our first coaching session (voice or video - whichever you prefer). When your payment clears, your first session is confirmed. After our call, each week thereafter during the month, I'll check in with you by email. This is your opportunity to let me know how your studio work is going: whether the plan we established for you is working or needs adjusting, any questions that came up during the week, wins, etc... When you sign up for a 3 or 6 month plan, each month starts with our call. When you sign up for a high-intensity option, we'll schedule 2 calls each month.

If you are inquiring about a coaching session for a group or business, please let me know if you are looking for me to give a talk or to lead a workshop. We'll go from there!

I believe that making art connects us to each other. I also believe that the world deserves your work.

Read my manifesto if you want to learn more about the role of art making in my life.

What they say

Some satisfied clients...

"Overall, my studio practice has gotten more focused and productive, and your coaching was a big help. I like that you are empathetic yet direct and practical. I moved all my ideas to an "idea book" but now keep my white board in my studio very clean (only 2 things in my studio per week). I have learned to say "no" more and limit my distractions.
Thanks for your guidance and support."

-J. Cook

"It was an absolute pleasure to work with Jessica over a six month period. I took an eight week intensive painting course last summer and wanted to build on that experience to enhance my painting skills. Jessica is an experienced fine artist and runs a successful art business herself so I felt she had the qualifications to coach me. I actually surpassed where I thought I would be at the end of the six months - although I know my painting style may change and develop in the future, I am happy with what I am consistently producing now and I'm also ready to launch my revamped art website with artwork to sell. I recommend working with Jessica."

-A. Sra

"After 15 years of IT work, I rebooted my art practice working with Jessica. She has helped me find my voice again.  It feels great."

-T. Power

"I've been reflecting about my work over the past year. Just the fact that I've worked in the studio almost each week is a big accomplishment... There have been no breaks from the studio work long enough to make me feel I was starting at square one again. Going into the studio and making work feels like a habit now. This is all due to the coaching I've done with you. I'm very happy with what I've accomplished with your help."


"I’m in a transitional point in my career and it’s been enormously helpful to have Jessica talk through some of the issues, focus my goals and set waypoints for the near and long term. We have weekly check-ins by email, speak at length monthly and I can reach out at other times, if necessary. Jessica easily adapts to different styles and needs of her clients. I highly recommend!"

-E. Stern

"Thank you so very much for a wonderful session this afternoon. It is just what I needed. Not only is your art incredibly inspiring to me, but you also are so generous in sharing the way you work and the tools you use and how you go about creating those wonderful works. I also appreciate that you were tuning in to my own individual way of working and challenges. You gave me artistic inspiration but also very practical steps to follow now. Again, thank you, thank you!"

-B. Lister-Sink

"Working with Jessica has been an enjoyable and fruitful experience. Her technical expertise combined with her rich life experience provided me with practical tools to quickly move through a period of creative malaise. Jessica’s no nonsense approach and tips for living a creative life are both inspiring and achievable."

-N. Woods

"Thank you Jessica for lighting the fire under my butt to get it going in all the details it takes to start a small business!"

-AK Landreth


This is what it will cost.


Monthly coaching

One 50-minute call once a month plus weekly email check-ins for one month. This is billed at the time of booking.


Three months of coaching

One 50-minute call once a month plus weekly email check-ins for three months. This is billed at the time of booking.


Six months of coaching

One 50-minute call once a month plus weekly email check-ins for six months. This is billed at the time of booking.

The High Intensity Option

1-6 months

Double any of the above plans for two 50-minute calls per month plus weekly email check-ins. This is billed at the time of booking.


1 month +

Looking for an option that's not here? I am happy to put together a fully custom plan that fits your needs exactly.

Group coaching

Inquire for Pricing

An engaging talk on creativity and/or a workshop for your group or business.

Let's be sure we're a good fit

Answer a few questions and I'll be in touch to schedule a 20-minute discovery call.

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